Students Emotionally Prepare for Natural Disasters with Memes

Images such as this one went viral on social media during Hurricane Dorian. Photo courtesy of Jessica Sullivan.

Ariana Rodriguez/Contributing Writer

Gray skies and long lines at the grocery store can be mundane, but Floridians have a way to be less despondent to the hurricane by, of course, producing Dorian memes.

As Hurricane Dorian approached Miami, students and South Floridians made memes such as this one that circulated around social media. Photo courtesy of “YESNOYESNO12345” on Reddit.

In times of uncertainty during the storm, what’s better than making jokes about how ridiculous Florida gets during storm season?

There is a sense of connection when your friends and classmates joke about impending doom in group chats or on social media. From Publix selling hurricane cakes to people overstocking on supplies, there was so much going on that it was hard not to make light of the situation.

Whenever there is a hurricane in Florida, there is always a joke to be told. Cases of water, batteries, cans of food and humour are all necessities during a storm. 

In fact, #RelatableContent or #SoFlorida memes hit us more than Dorian did.

Even though Floridians are so used to hurricanes, we know that a storm still could be a possible danger to us. The Floridians who still remember how intense hurricane Andrew was, for instance, may have bought more water or food than needed. And then there are the Floridians who made amusing memes about them over-doing it. Every group chat for class had a plethora of those kinds of memes, and I’m sure almost every FIU student got a load of them too.

After the winds and talks of Dorian die off, I hope you laugh and reflect on the memes you encounter. Also, remember to be attentive and help the ones who need support. 

Featured image courtesy of Jessica Sullivan.



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