Humanity has outgrown religion

Giovanni Gonzalez/Staff Writer

Organized religion has solved many of society’s problems for thousands of years. With over 80 percent of the planets population involved in organized religion in some way, there has to be something to it.

But in today’s modern society, religion doesn’t offer what it did 500 years ago.

In the past, many used religion and their various interpretations of God to explain the meanings of certain phenomena that occurred here on our planet, such as the rising of the sun, rain, and sudden deaths of fellow man to name a few simple examples.

These instances can now be explained rather easily by technological advancements and the scientific processes that they allow. This leaves little room for an all knowing and all powerful being pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Although the applications of science do not rule out the possibility of intelligent design, it does provide a much more logical explanation for worldly events.

Organized religion, in many cases, has provided modern man with a set of rules to abide by to be an ideal citizen.  While “thou shall not kill” and “thou shall not steal” may come to mind for some, it is unlikely that guidelines for living such as these have to be passed down and taught by religious figures.

They are necessary for a society to thrive successfully under the presence of religion or otherwise and therefore, will be passed down by the society itself through social reinforcement.

Religion is undoubtedly still something that brings many people together, however. Yet in light of many events that still happen routinely around the world, it seems that religion is more of a cause for bloodshed than brotherhood.

The world is a much smaller place than it was a thousand years ago, and with so many groups of people constantly in contact with each other, disparities will ensue.

With advancements in technology and transportation, the damage, or progress for that matter, that one group can accomplish is compounded and the message is widely spread.

However, when one group feels they must use force and violence to convince the other of their God’s superiority, and it is allowed, and sometimes encouraged, by their religion, there is a problem.

That leaves the all too puzzling question of what happens to a person when they die. While it seems it is impossible to answer this question for sure, as there is no hard evidence supporting any explanation, it may be a waste of time to even attempt to do so.

It is a waste to limit and stifle one’s choices in life while trying to be the perfect candidate for a utopian afterlife that may or may not exist. That time is better spent getting the most out of time we have on Earth and trying to make a difference for loved ones and those around you.

While we may ultimately be under the watchful eye of some superior being, it would be selfish to think  it exists entirely for us. It may be a better use of time to take logical steps to make goals a reality instead of praying, wishing, or hoping for things to unfold under the care of a Godly figure, which in all honesty, may not provide.

It is a chaotic universe we live in and things may very well happen for no rhyme or reason other than to just happen.

When it comes down to it, it is better to congratulate yourself when things go well, and to blame yourself when they don’t. We already have many of the answers we need, or at the very least, the minds to find those answers ourselves when questions arise.

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