Women’s rugby opens season with win over UM

By: D’Jombrey Moreau / Staff Writer

In their season opener, FIU did not let off the brakes and a lot of players got much needed experience with a chance to be inserted into the fire.

Playing the prestigious University of Miami, FIU’s women’s rugby team defeated the Hurricanes by a score of 36-7 on Oct 1.

The team played as one, using great communication and discipline throughout the match.

The Panthers, who have helped add a new sense of culture for sports clubs at FIU, have seen their ups and downs.

Rugby was once a game that was not accepted, or understood.

It was a game that not many schools played. Once a program that was in the ashes while starting to begin, the Panthers are now on the upswing of their program.

“If you’re consistent, you’re good, we tell our players that all the time,” said team president Alejandra Torres. “Rugby is about communication, dedication and heart,” she added.

The maintained level of consistency can be credited not only to captains Amber Williams and Victoria Villa, but more importantly to their head coach Trevor Alfred.

“There is a new sense of pride and urgency that these women have,” said Alfred.

Junior Sydney Carter added: “We’re getting more out of practice than we did before, making us a better team to defeat everyone we play against.”

The team understands that the time is short and the moment needs to be seized. Initializing new game plans and better coaching plans have greatly contributed to their success.

“We have more discipline, more practice, better nutrition, and we’re working on individual skills,” said Torres. “A more defined coaching plan made us a better team and made a better coach.

“A lot of people are taking notice in how the team is playing. Hustle plays and energy is what excites and fuels the ladies as they make tackles and control the game,” she added.

The point of excitement for the team is through the roof, and they are currently looking for new players to help carry their new level of play.

“We’re a family. We have coaches who are like our fathers, we have the men’s rugby team who are like our brothers and us [teammates] who are sisters,” said Carter.

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