Longboarders increasingly present on campus

By: Vanessa Paredes/Asst. Life! Editor

His right foot is used to increase the speed as he cruises on his Landyachtz on the paved paths around campus.  With each stride his board swerves around the students walking, and finally arrived to his class in a fraction of the time.

With a campus stretching 342 acres, riding a long board around campus is not uncommon. Many students have fallen into this trend, saying their farewells to walking around campus.
Unlike the skateboard, many riders claim the longboard is easier to master and more efficient for getting from point A to point B.

“What is different from the skateboard is that although both can be ridden, longboards go much faster for longer distances while the skateboard is more commonly used for doing tricks on it,” said sophomore Alejandro Carrizales.

The longboard has various key differences from other boards, making it efficient from cruising. An obvious trait is the elongated deck, which allows for the rider to have more foot room, enhancing the comfort of the board.

Furthermore, if you look closely, the wheels are a lot bigger than those of a traditional skateboard. This allows for a more stable ride with fluidity.
Students who are avid riders around campus rave about the commodities the longboard has brought them.

“Riding on campus is very practical, especially when you don’t have long gaps between classes, which is my case during this semester. I have 15 minutes between all of my four classes and if it wasn’t for my longboard, I wouldn’t have time to eat, talk and sit down for a little,” said sophomore communications major, Luis Carducci.

Longboarding and walking aren’t the only ways of transportation seen around the University though. Riding a bike is a more traditional way to get around, but students argue that the bike less convenient.
Sophomore Cynthia Fuentes said, “I think riding a longboard is much more efficient because it’s not so much of a hassle compared to locking up a bike somewhere on campus.”

Due to a growing number of longboarders on campus, it is likely to see longboarders while strolling from class to class. Some believe that lonboarding poses no threat to the rest of the student body, yet others find it bothersome.

Ado Stimamiglio, junior and international relations major, does not longboard on campus but has no animosity towards those who do. “I really don’t feel any anger towards them if anything they’re getting around quicker,” he said.

On the other hand, Mady Calvo, freshman in business administration, has not had pleasant experiences with the riders on campus.“Students who use longboards throughout the University may fine it convenient for them, but are much of nuisance to others walking around campus. Last week, I was almost run over by someone on a longboard on the way to class,” she said.

Whether the longboard helps students get to class sooner, or almost crashes into others while students walk to their next class, it is an  extremely present accessory for students. As a mean of transportation, this peculiar board proves to be a fashionable form of transportation.

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