Clean-water program created for African villages

By: Rebecca Burton/Contributing WriterWhile clean water for hydration, hygiene and even recreation is accessible to nearly everyone in the United States, 36 percent of households in the country of Rwanda do not have access to clean drinking water within 500 meters of their home.

A program started by the School of Environment, Arts and Society at the University has brought clean drinking water to more than 20,000 people in Tanzania, and is in the process of doing the same for Rwanda. 

Global Water for Sustainability is a program that aims to “promote the integrated management of water resources and aquatic resources worldwide,” as stated in its mission statement. With success stories dating to 2005, GLOWS has spread to six countries in Africa, South America, and Europe.

The University’s partners in the GLOWS consortium include USAID, World Wildlife Foundation, CARE and WaterAid America. Together, these programs work with scientists, government officials and students to create innovative ways to bring water to these sanitation-limited countries.

Vivienne Abott, program director in Tanzania, was able to witness that country’s progress, but says the discovery of a new tool will extend success throughout the world.

“Scientists have discovered a new well-drilling tool that only costs about $20,” Abott said. “It is still in its infant stages but we have hired scientists to make this tool readily available. I’m certain it will be a success.”

Abott’s specific program, and perhaps the most recent success story of GLOWS, is titled Tanzania Integrated Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Program (iWASH). Its main objective is to increase sustainable access to water supply to poor rural and small town dwellers. But Abott said that the root of the problem must be addressed.

“We’re trying to take a much more holistic view of the management and use of water,”  Abott said. “Many programs focus only on water supply or water resource management, but very few programs try to take a more holistic view.”

Abott’s team works with the local water sanitation program there and trains the workers on how to maximize their supply of clean water. Abott said before they arrived in Tanzania, there were only about five people employed in water sanitation.

“In America, we use water to drink, to clean ourselves and even to wash our cars,” Abott said. “Most people don’t have that advantage.”

Miriam Shotadze, program director for GLOWS in the country of Georgia, said sometimes natural resources are readily available, but the lack of environmental laws cause what may have been potable water to be severely polluted. Her program, titled Integrated Natural Resource Management in Watersheds of Georgia, aims to make these types of laws clear and enforce them.

“We work closely with the local communities to come up with priority interventions to help,” Shotadze said. “This could include plans for emergency irrigation.”

Shotadze’s program started in September 2010, and is a six year project. By the end of the six years, Shotadze and her team hope to make a lasting impression by “empowering local communities and authorities by promoting local governance mechanisms that enable rural people to advocate for change that better their lives,” as stated in the project brief.

Other programs GLOWS directs are just taking off, but their directors say they hold promise.

David Mutekanga, program director in Rwanda, hopes to bring clean drinking water to 86 percent of households by 2012, but said the access to clean water will have a domino effect.

“Providing clean water will also help with food security, as Rwanda has rain-fed agriculture,” Mutekanga said. “Their crops are vulnerable to climatic variations.”

Abott also stressed that if other issues arise, GLOWS will try to address them.

“My team also campaigned about the cholera outbreak, which is also related to clean water,” Abott said. “Education is the foundation. The more we educate, the better off these countries will be.”

This story was researched and written for JOU 3300 Advanced News Writing taught by Dr. Fred Blevens in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. A version of this story also appeared on the website of the national conference of the Society of Environmental Journalists at the University of Miami.  You can see this and other class work for SEJ at The Miami Planet or by going to  The News Wave.

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