ASK Nick: This week: National Coming Out Day

Illustration by CAPS Graphic Designer Wendy Ordonez

Dear Nick,

My friends told me about “National Coming Out Day.” What is that, and should I do it?
T.Y., Junior, Religious Studies Major

Dear T.Y.,
Every year on Oct. 11, FIU and colleges all around the country celebrate “coming out” for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered individuals. On this special day, people decide to disclose their sexual orientation to close friends, family and even to the public. This day is important as it demonstrates how much progress has been made, especially recently, with regards to LGBT equality.
Whether you should or should not come out that day, is a deeply personal decision about who you are with yourself and with others. Each person will confront this challenge differently. Many feelings emerge during this process — from confusion, uncertainty, fear, to excitement, freedom and empowerment. Some people come out to improve their relationships and others to breakdown and overcome barriers and stereotypes that have kept them in the closet, making it easier for others to follow along.
Whatever you decide to do, know that the decision is yours, so do it on your own terms. There is no rush; any day can be a coming-out day! If you do decide to come out, make sure to have support. Many LGBT people will be on campus, as well as allies. Mental health professionals are always available and sometimes the easiest to talk to about sensitive topics.
Whatever you decide, I’m sure it will be the right decision for you!

Be Well!

Nick Scheidt, M.S. is a Doctoral Psychology Intern at FIU Counseling and Psychological Services. He is a Clinical Psychology Doctoral Candidate from Carlos Albizu University. Once he completes his internship at FIU, Nick plans to work as a Psychologist, Writer, and Professor.

Nick Scheidt, M.S. is a Doctoral Psychology Intern at FIU Counseling and Psychological Services. He is a Clinical Psychology Doctoral Candidate from Carlos Albizu University. Once he completes his internship at FIU, Nick plans to work as a Psychologist, Writer, and Professor.
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