Rosenberg heads up to BBC for Town Hall Meeting

Image by FIU, courtesy of Creative Commons

Alyssa Elso/Staff Writer

President Mark Rosenberg will be heading up to Biscayne Bay Campus on Monday, Feb. 10 to address students’ growing concerns at eighth annual Town Hall meeting.

The Town Hall meeting was an initiative created eight years ago by the Student Government Association at BBC in order to allow students to have an open discussion with President Rosenberg.

“President Rosenberg will provide University updates, and students will have the opportunity to ask any questions or address any concerns,” said SGC-BBC Vice President, Richard Azimov.

According to Azimov, President Rosenberg has continuously supported meeting with the University’s students and helping to address concerns.

In the past, some issues that have been presented at the meetings have included: food services, parking and transportation and academic advising.

As a result of these annual meetings, some improvements have been made on campus.

“I remember one concern that many students had one year was regarding the vending machines,” said Azimov.

Many students were unhappy with the vending machines–which are located throughout various spots on campus–stealing their money or not dispensing drinks or snacks.

In order to correct this issue, SGA contacted the Pepsi Company to fix the issue. Now, every vending machine has a sticker that will inform students to go to the OneCard office in order to obtain a refund.

As the Town Hall meeting goes into its eighth year, student turnout has increased, according to Azimov.

“The turnouts have been increasing, which shows students are involved with FIU,” said Azimov.

So far this semester, student concerns have been heard as improvements to the Biscayne Bay Campus have been approved to include a Subway and Starbucks by fall 2015 and the renovation of the Wolfe University Center, which will be completed in March.

To achieve improvements of this nature, students can attend the Town Hall meeting in order to ensure that their voice, as tuition-paying students, is heard on campus.

Azimov hopes that this year student turnout is at its highest, in order to change the University for the better.

“My expectations are for the ballroom to be filled with many students and to have students ask or address anything that may be improved to make our FIU more globally competitive,” said Azimov.

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