Emails may destroy Clinton’s presidential campaign

Fabienne Fleurantin/Staff Writer



I never thought one word could be so damaging. Something that’s been so useful to society has single handedly brought a possible enigma to face her consequences. This one hiccup on Hillary Clinton’s political record could potentially cost her the 2016 presidential election and the trust of the American people.

When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, she had many emails to go through on her Blackberry, but “she wasn’t allowed to take the device into her seventh-floor suite of offices, a secure space known as Mahogany Row,” according to the Washington Post.

This was a burden for Clinton, because she had many emails to address from people of high authority, so her aides tried to find a solution to this dilemma. They wanted her to be able to use her phone in her office. However, there was concern “that foreign intelligence services could hack her Blackberry and transform it into a listening device,” as mentioned on the Washington Post.

Her team continued to look for any possible solutions to this problem, but what they didn’t know is that she had already found one. She linked her private email server, which contained classified material, to her home’s basement.

What is even more appalling is, as the Washington Post stated, that “Hillary Clinton began preparing to use the private basement server after President Obama picked her to be his Secretary of State in November 2008. The system was already in place.”

That, my friends, could be the final nail in her coffin.After all the allegations that have been brought up against Clinton, Americans may have had enough.

Plus, what angers many Americans is the fact that she thought she was above the law and had the authority to do something like this.

The FBI is now involved, and they are trying to determine whether a crime was committed and if charges will be brought up.

She may be ahead in the polls and very close to winning the Democratic nomination, but this email scandal is making things much worse, and her path to victory unclear.

Her credentials may be stellar, but her credibility and likeability are lacking at this point. According to CNN, Clinton’s approval rating is “more unfavorable than any front-runner for either party since 1984.”

A mistake she committed in the past is coming back to haunt her in the present and is ruining her chances of having a clean slate with America. How can the people trust her if she has so much to hide?

Dominique Senora, a senior studying biology, expressed her thoughts on how Clinton’s actions affected her political opinion and could possibly change opinions of voters like her in the upcoming election.

“To be honest, I’m not very comfortable with it. I, I mean, I understand she was just trying to do her job, but considering that you’re working with the law, you shouldn’t be breaking the law…” Senora said.

Part of being a presidential candidate is the process of being vetted, having every piece of your history torn apart and analyzed. Now, Mrs. Clinton has been caught red-handed, and in the beginning, she denied it. Brushed it off, even. Now that these new facts have come to light, she has changed her story and apologized.

But if she had done this in the first place, just come clean and told the whole truth, maybe people wouldn’t have to question whether she is the right person for the White House. Now, we the people, will have a harder time figuring that out.



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