University to host training forum on cybersecurity

Meyer Grunberg/Contributing Writer

As part of a larger initiative to increase awareness of cybersecurity threats, the University will host a cybersecurity training forum in Washington D.C.

FIU’s Gordon Institute of Public Policy, the FIU College of Business, Organization of American States and FIU in DC partnered to coordinate the forum, held on April 6 and 7 and will address cyber threats, how to mitigate them strategically and implement those strategies into organizational structures

“These are short, intense programming that hits on key topics and includes experiential learning, lectures [and] readings that participants can build on when the program ends,” said Brian Fonseca, director of the Gordon Institute for Public Policy.

The curriculum seeks to develop a program that focuses on bridging the seams between leadership and the information security professionals.

“[The plan is to question] how important is data in your organization, how are authorities structured [to defend the data], and [are there] policies in place that protect data from being compromised for the sake of the company,” said Fonseca.

Being that we are living in an ever increasing digital world, doing something as simple as password-protecting phones and computers could go a long way to securing key data, Fonseca said. He adds that by not doing so, it can jeopardizes the security and integrity of an organization.

“50 percent of people that use their cell phones for business don’t put passwords, and that tells you the vulnerability of company data,” Fonseca said.

Junior Abraham Saiovici, computer science with focus on software engineering, says inefficient cybersecurity is akin to having no security system for your home.

“An often looked over aspect of cybersecurity is the physical security component of social engineering since there are actual humans in contact with the data that have access from the inside out and have the ability to alter at their will,” he said.

In order to spread awareness for the event on April 6, FIUinDC correspondent, Larissa Ramos, helped develop a marketing plan to promote the course in D.C., manage the design, and identify strategic partners and funders.

“In collaboration with the Organization of American States, FIUinDC secured the support of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to co-market the program and of the Ryder foundation as a sponsor of 10 scholarships for FIU women leaders interested in the course,” said Ramos.

Ramos believes that by attending the event, professionals will receive holistic training in cybersecurity strategy and leadership that goes beyond the technical, but also deals with the operational and managerial practices and the policies needed to sustainably protect an organization from cyber attacks.

Other key partners in behind the event were Verizon Communications, Microsoft and United Data technologies and New America Think Tank.

“Participants will walk away with a better understanding of the gamut of knowledge required to protect their organization,” said Fonseca.

Students interested in attending a similar event in the area, “Cybersecurity Strategy and Leadership” course will be offered in Miami on October 17-18. Registrations for the April 6-7 course close by March 31. Students can register online at

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