Homosexuality not a sin, shouldn’t be feared

Daniela Perez/ Staff Writer

Although the act of severing the brain’s prefrontal lobe is no longer a medical treatment for mental disorders such as schizophrenia and depression, the issue of conversion therapy has entered the political limelight this past year because of Vice President Mike Pence. In his 2000 congressional campaign website, Pence showed a subliminal advocation towards gay conversion therapy saying, “Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior.”

Although not explicit, this statement holds an insidious tone. According to Katherine S. Milar’s book, “The Myth Buster,” the “ancient techniques” used to change a person’s sexual orientation included lobotomy, chemical castration, electric shock, and masturbatory reconditioning.

This sounded extremely harmful so the act of “ridding” someone of their homosexuality “disease” started to hide behind a mask that involved counseling, psychoanalytic therapy and prayer.

But, the LGBTQ community has the same brains as a heterosexual male or female. They have the same limbs, genetic compounds, and most importantly, the same hearts that beat for survival. The LGBTQ community can work, study, perform and love just like any other individual. They are not sick nor are they psychologically inept; they just love a different sex.

Zachery Clark, a junior majoring in international business and international relations, is openly gay; however, this transition was the bane of his adolescence. Clark was raised as Southern Baptist and attended church in his and Pence’s home state of Indiana. His parents described homosexuality as a sin, he said, as was anything else that could possibly be linked to it, such as when his father caught him and a friend practicing cheerleading.

“He asked me, ‘Do you like boys or do you like girls? You better answer the right answer or I will kick you out of my house and disown you.’ That stuck with me for years,” Clark said.

And the fear he felt when he realized at the age of six that he liked a male classmate as more than just a friend, he said, followed him throughout his adolescence. Growing up, he was filled with dread regarding his sexuality and his inability to confess, even having suicidal thoughts. But, a subtle beacon of hope shed light on Clark’s fears when he met someone who assisted him in his journey towards shedding his skin and accepting his sexuality.

Then Clark gathered up the courage to confess his sexuality to his parents by writing them a letter. The results were unexpected.

“They were weirdly accepting. They told me they were expecting it for years and were happy that I was just happy; they told me they loved me,” he said.

It stopped being a subject after this discussion, although Clark still doesn’t feel fully comfortable telling his parents every detail; he does, however,  feel relieved of the acceptance that once caged and ruptured his heart.

Homosexuality is not a disease. It’s not a cancer and does not need to be cured. Your family will not fall apart if your kin loves differently than you. Support the lives of this community, emphasize their importance in this world, care for them, and most importantly, don’t patronize.


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Photo taken from Flickr.

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