SGA Announces Extended Hours for Market at Breezeway

breezewayBreezeway cookies section | Aziza Ibragimova, PantherNOW

Aziza Ibragimova | Contributing Writer

The Office of Business Services recently decided to extend the hours for Market at Breezeway.

Market at Breezeway, a popular dining location at FIU, initially had its hours reduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, they will be open until midnight from Monday to Thursday.

SGA Vice President Santana Way took the initiative to address this issue with the Office of Business Services. After discussions and negotiations, a decision was made to extend the opening hours of Breezeway, offering students a valuable resource for late-night meals.

“Breezeway hours extension was driven by the numerous requests and concerns raised by students regarding the lack of food options available on campus during late-night hours,” Way said.

In response to the extended hours, interviewed second-year communications student Milana Stryhun expressed her satisfaction. “Thrilled that Breezeway is open until midnight. As an international student with a meal plan until 11 p.m., I can now grab my favorite sushi while studying late in the Green Library,” she said.

Noah Pilkington, fourth-year computer science student, has also shared his positive sentiments.

“Working until 10 p.m. means everything is closed by the time I get on campus. I am relieved that I no longer have to spend all my money on Uber Eats,” he said.

This extension in hours is proving to be a welcome relief for students with various schedules and preferences, addressing a real need within the campus community.

Given that many of the staff members at Breezeway are students themselves, concerns were raised regarding their work hours and late shifts. 

“I acknowledge this concern but still want to point out that while the extended opening hours may require the staff to work later, it also benefits the student body and provides additional financial support for the student employees of Breezeway,” Way reassured.

It’s worth noting that feedback from some of the staff members indicating that they are perfectly fine with the prospect of working extended hours, and the potential benefits, including increased pay, have been emphasized. 

This positive response from the team suggests that there is a level of understanding and agreement among the staff.

Moreover, Way expressed his willingness to explore additional changes in the menu offerings at Breezeway. While the current menu includes delicious cookies, students are interested in having more diverse options. Sushi Maki, for instance, has already been included in the menu, and the potential for partnerships with other local restaurants such as The Salty Doughnut and Chili’s is being explored. 

Furthermore, he is also keen on considering the inclusion of kosher and halal options, recognizing the diverse needs of the student population, including those with religious dietary restrictions. This development highlights the college’s commitment to student welfare and its continuous efforts to improve the overall campus experience.

He encourages students to share their thoughts and suggestions for potential additions to the menu.

“The possibilities are somewhat endless, so if there’s something you want to add to Breezeway or this cafe, let me know. Your input is crucial.”

Interview with Santana Way | Aziza Ibragimova, PantherNOW

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