Don’t continue higher education blindly

If students choose to continue pursuing higher education, they can’t go in blindly. | Cartoon by Alyssa Pelaez

Kailey Krantz | Staff Writer

There is no universal appeal of staying in college for every student. But if students decide to continue pursuing higher education, they can’t do it blindly.  

Seeking higher education can be a rewarding experience for students who wish to expand their knowledge and apply their skills to the modern job market, such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, networking and more. 

However, these rewards can pale in comparison to the strenuous challenges of college for some students because of complications like struggling to receive financial aid, not knowing what you want to study and just going to college because it’s expected

If you go into college with the mindset of “I have to do it” or “I have to achieve my goals in this way,” chances are you’re going to be left feeling empty completing a chapter you didn’t want to start in the first place.

No matter where we are in our academic journey, the doubt and hesitation can cross our minds from time to time.

It represents a piece of the dying American Dream. It’s outdated and no longer relevant to our generation. Not every student is going to have the luxury of buying a home and raising a picturesque family a couple of years after they graduate without running into massive amounts of debt.

It no longer aligns with the reality we live in, where financial security trumps every other desired quality in a job for students. College may seem difficult to navigate, but having a plan can be a start towards getting you through that stage of your life. 

The best place to start when creating a plan for higher education is to focus on what career you want to choose. It’s okay to be worried when figuring out which careers match your interests and which careers will help you become financially stable.

The most optimal careers meet in the middle. There are careers out there that can strike a balance between fulfilling your passions and being financially stable to pay for your everyday expenses.

College can set you on the right path toward achieving a successful career, but it needs to be done with a plan. Planning out how and why you’re going to college gives you the agency to carve your path to success.


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