University gives employees merit-based increase in paycheck

“What the state legislature provided was two types of increases: An across-the-board $1,400 increase for anyone who makes $40,000 or less, or $1,000 if one earns more than $40,000,” said Cuesta-Gomez, director of Employee and Labor Relations. “The other is a bonus that’s [going] to be paid in June 2014 and that is a merit bonus.“

College of Architecture + the Arts invades Miami Beach

Miami Beach is widely known for its vibrant and colorful art scene.

From jazz clubs, to exquisite restaurants, and diverse art galleries, Miami Beach has something to offer to all art-driven visitors. In the path of being involved in their community, the University’s College of Architecture + the Arts decided to join this artistic atmosphere by starting their own studio, Miami Beach Urban Studios, for students in Miami Beach.

The Frost brings art to life this fall

The Frost Art Museum has been on the move lately, determined to fulfill their mission statement to bring quality exhibitions and programs to the community; besides launching many exhibitions this summer alone, they had their first Target Wednesday for the new school year on July 18. With exhibits such as the Jamaican Intuitive Art, This and That and Shared Threads still running, the curators of the Museum are already looking into their permanent collections and elsewhere to bring many new events and exhibitions to the public.

“Target Wednesday” brings innovation to The Frost

This past Wednesday, July 18, the Frost Art Museum presented two new exhibitions as part of their first “Target Wednesday After Hours” for the new academic year of 2012-2013. These two exhibits, “This and That” and “Shared Thread,” came from artists of different cultural backgrounds who used different art styles to convey different messages.

JAMAICAN ME ARTSY: ‘Students learn complexity of teamwork’

On Aug. 6, 2012, Jamaica celebrates its 50th anniversary of independence. As a way to commemorate this anniversary and bring awareness to Jamaica’s art and culture, The Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum is currently hosting an exhibition entirely put together by the students of the Graduate Certificate of the Museum Studies program as part of their annual event.