Budgeting can minimize your student debt
Debt is every student’s worst nightmare. It’s the monster that hides under your bed —the Chuckie of college life— but it can be combatted and eventually defeated. You just have to play it smart.
Debt is every student’s worst nightmare. It’s the monster that hides under your bed —the Chuckie of college life— but it can be combatted and eventually defeated. You just have to play it smart.
From selling items on Ebay to making videos on YouTube, students are finding non-traditional ways to fund their college education.
Not only has student debt caused people to declare bankruptcy fresh into their adulthood, it has ignited a psychological and financial stress that hinders this generation’s journey toward success.
As final exams week looms nearer, sleep-deprived students are dozing off in library cubicles, napping on the benches or grass outside and even catching a few z’s in their cars. All-nighters are nothing short of ordinary, but the college experience is fueling a burnout culture where it’s normal, and sometimes even celebrated to forego sleep.