Public Reason – May 15, 2012 Podcast

Discussion on DREAM Act, potential increase to student loan interest rates, and President Obama´s stance on gay marriage with guest panelist Pablo Terraza, FIU College Democrats´ Group Organizer.

Affordable Care Act offers necessary reform

The most problematic issue regarding health care in America is the unsustainably high cost for services, treatments and medications.

The International Federation of Health Plans released a report comparing the prices in various countries for 23 medical services. The U.S. had the highest costs in 22 of the 23 cases. In France, an MRI costs only $281. In the U.S., an MRI costs over $1,000.

The medical industry abuses its patients in the U.S., simply because they are capable of doing so. With necessary reforms to the fragmented health care, patients and the overall system will not be taken advantage of.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: President Obama’s performance commendable, impressive

Although President Obama should not be devoid of criticism, I think saying that he is somehow guilty of treason or that he’s making America less safe is lunacy; and these are not only foreign policy victories for President Obama, for they all happened under his stewardship of the U.S., but they are also major victories for the U.S. overall.

Hispanic media journalist to speak at BBC

The tides of change have been sweeping across the media landscape since the emergence of the Internet, but never has it been as prevalent in recent times as it is due to the rise of social media in conjunction with the economic downturn of recent years.

Obama going soft in hopes of successful re-election

On Sept. 2, the Obama administration declared that it was stepping down on its proposal to implement stricter clean air regulations, stating that “the commitment of [the] administration to protecting public health and the environment is unwavering” – as long as the right-wing agrees with it, of course.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Republicans need history lesson

I am sick and tired of people criticizing Obama for taking a vacation. No, the country is not in the best shape at the moment; however why don’t conservatives shut their mouths before people realize that they’re just a bunch of hypocrites. Republicans will condemn Obama at any opportunity to make themselves feel like they have a chance of winning the 2012 election.