FIU Students, staff, and alumni all GLAM’med up for a pride photoshoot

Models for the November Genderchill fashion show flaunt their personal styles | Liana Estenoz, PantherNOW

Liana Estenoz | Contributing Writer

The Pride Center and guests model some promo shots for the FIU Pride Center’s GenderChill Fashion Show.

Models included students, staff, and alumni–and one bearded dragon named Queenie–with photos being taken in iconic FIU locations, like Deuxieme Maison’s hanging gardens, and the gazebo by the kissing bridge. 

Queenie gets ready for her close-ups | Liana Estenoz, PantherNOW

Erica Jayne Friedman, the associate director of the Pride Center, shone some light as to the overall purpose of the photoshoot. 

“This time of year is when things are a little slower on campus, but we start preparing for the fall semester. We’re going to be heavily promoting the fashion show when we hit the first day of [fall] classes…The photos are so that we have FIU students and Miami community members in the fashion show represented in our promotional material.”

This shoot also celebrates intersectionality within LGBTQ+ spaces, evidenced by the presence of Tiffany Peacock, program coordinator at the Women’s Center.

“The Women’s Center has definitely collaborated a lot with the Pride Center, in that we work together [while still] being our own distinct spaces.”

“What drew me into becoming more involved [with the Pride Center] was not only working [as program coordinator],” continued Peacock, “but also just wanting to spread awareness and broaden my knowledge [of the community].”

Events like these provide an opportunity for LGBTQ+ and allied students alike to commune in a safe space, and express themselves how they want to. This photoshoot provides a chance to spread awareness of the event, but also for the Pride Center and the LGBTQ+ community as a whole.

“This is really about our [LGBTQ+] community…So we want that representation there in the shoot,” continued Friedman.

The FIU GenderChill: The Gender Justice Fashion Show will take place on Friday, November 18 at 6:00 pm in the Wolf University Center Ballrooms.

Getting up close with some individual shots in Deuxieme Maison’s hanging gardens | Liana Estenoz, PantherNOW

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