Battles for starting spots intensified by depth at many positions

By: Jackson Wolek / Staff Writer

Through camp, it has become clear that one of the larger problems facing this team would normally not even be considered a problem at all: depth. With all the options that Mario Cristobal has to choose from this year, it will be tough to make a decision on who should play. Some players are looking better than others, but for the most part, many players competing for spots on the field seem to be performing evenly.

What can show the most about players to coachers, besides the countless hours of practices every day, is seeing how the players perform in a live scrimmage. There have been two scrimmages thus far, both being played without the whole playbook because of them being open to the public.

Tonight, the team will scrimmage for the third time in fall practice, except this one will be closed, providing the chance for the coaches to finally see what everyone is capable of on any kind of play they decide to throw at them.

“Being a closed scrimmage, we get to really open up the playbook on both sides of the ball,” said Cristobal. “We’re going to make a few decisions tonight in terms of who’s going to get the first snap on the next day and then we’re going to make decisions after that.”

Cristobal likes the competition for each spot, but admits that some spots are more competitive than others. Especially the defensive backs.

There are a total of 17 defensive backs on the roster, but the team has still found room to add one more with DeMarkus Perkins.

The arrival of Perkins, a JUCO transfer from Highland Community College in Kansas, has given the secondary for the Golden Panthers just another piece to work with in an already bolstered up defensive back position.

“He’s a smart kid,” said Cristobal. “He’s explosive and great to be around and we expect great things from him.”


At the end of spring practices, it looked as though Ceedrick Davis would be taking over the open spot left behind by All-Sun Belt center Brad Serini.

And that might have happened, if he did not get injured at fall camp. As of right now, the team is trying to work him into some drills and plays, but for the most part he has received little action being in the orange jersey. He has a back strain according to Cristobal and should be good to go soon.

“There are some injuries that you have to be careful with during camp because if you don’t allow time, it can only get worse,” said Cristobal.

In Davis’s absence, junior center Giancarlo Revilla has filled the void left by Serini and has showed that he can produce for the offensive line. Without getting too specific, Cristobal did say that Davis is “in there” on the offense line.

All injuries are not disclosed since they don’t have to be in college football. Cristobal feels that not disclosing the information is sometimes best for the program, but also emphasized that he won’t lie about an injury.

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