SGC-BBC interviews for cabinet positions

This week is the start of Summer B and the Student Government Association’s senate meetings at the Biscayne Bay Campus have commenced to prepare for the summer and fall semesters.

SGC-BBC is calling on FIU students to apply for open positions and opportunities within SGC-BBC, in order to build the council for the term.

“So far, we’ve appointed our chief of staff, Leo Cosio,” wrote public relations major and SGC-BBC Vice President Michema Lafontant to Student Media. “The cabinet applications are out and open. Anyone could apply if they have the requirements for [the] senate, cabinet, and judicial [branches]. Students can come to our office located in WUC 301 to apply or visit”

The selection process consists of multiple interviews with SGC-BBC officials. Once the candidates are selected, SGC-BBC will require them to provide a statement to the senate.

The statement will require the candidate to explain their qualifications for the position and to summarize what their initiatives consist of. Once statements are heard, they will either be confirmed in their prospective position or denied by the senate.

They are also encouraging students to apply for the SGC-BBC internship in order to gain more experience with student council. However, if students want to be more informed on SGC-BBC initiatives, Lafontant suggests social media.

“Currently, we are in the middle of planning and recruiting so stay tuned,” said Lafontant. “Students can get involved by checking out our social media outlets [on] Facebook, Intstagram, Twitter, WeChat and Snapchat [by following] FIUSGABBC to see what we have planned for the future.”

For the summer, senate meetings will be held every two weeks on Monday at 3:30 p.m. in room WUC 221. The next senate meeting will be held on July 11, in the WUC ballrooms. However, starting in fall, they will be held every Monday at 3:30 p.m. in WUC 221.

“I’m really excited for an eventful year,” said Lafontant. “I can’t wait to see who joins this council and to meet a bunch of new faces at FIU. It’s really important for students to get involved, so hopefully this year is the year to really push that.”

SGC-BBC President Allhan Mejia, a dual degree student in marketing and sustainability has run for a second term to continue his efforts in the council. Some of the initiatives he and the council will focus on for this year is BBC transportation for Bayview students and building a zen garden project on campus.

“We have this outdoor space at BBC where we want to put a chalkboard up, called the wall of positivity,” said Mejia to FIU News. “Any member of the BBC community can go and write something positive about their day. The point is to create a nice outdoor space where they can go create something beautiful and meditate, if they want to.”

Currently, BBC transportation for Bayview students to the Modesto Maidique Campus still requires a fee, but President Mejia and Vice President Lafontant strive to put forward new ideas and solutions for these student issues.

They also want to inspire those students to get more involved within SGC and the FIU community.

“SGA is the voice of the students,” said Lafontant to FIU News. “SGA hears people’s opinions and tries to get it done. If you’re on the inside looking out [as an SGA cabinet member], you grow as a person and want to help others. If you’re on the outside looking in, you see people getting things done, and you feel empowered and want to do things yourself.”

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