FIU censoring students is oppressive and disgraceful

If students see that their peers are being censored for their views, they may decide that it is safer to remain silent. | PantherNOW

Ariana Rodriguez | Staff Writer

At an international public university that prides itself on its global relations, it sure doesn’t feel that way. Shutting down protests and silencing activists, FIU treads dangerous territory when fighting against their students rather than for.

From shutting down a graduating student’s pro-Palestine speech to wrongfully arresting a student activist involved in a peaceful protest, FIU goes back on their word to uphold free expression. 

Students are becoming deplatformed—quite literally— in compliance to what the university believes.

Pro-Palestine students are faced with hostility and aggression, almost treated like criminals. Students at a public university like FIU have a fundamental right to protest and advocate for the causes they believe in. 

This right is enshrined in the very fabric of democratic societies, which value freedom of speech as a cornerstone of civil liberties. Suppressing these voices not only violates these rights but also creates an environment of fear and repression, where students may hesitate to express dissenting views for fear of retribution.

The specific targeting of pro-Palestine activists is particularly egregious given the importance and sensitivity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There is blatant heavy police presence at pro-Palestine protests to the point it seems to be targeting.

This issue evokes strong emotions and passionate advocacy on both sides making it critical that universities provide a platform for all perspectives to be heard. 

By silencing pro-Palestine activists through arrests and shutting down students utilizing their platform, FIU is not only failing to uphold the principles of free speech but is also contributing to a one-sided narrative that does not reflect the reality of the situation.

Suppressing student activism is opposing the very idea of what a university should be. 

When universities choose to silence certain voices, they are essentially telling students that some perspectives are not worthy of consideration—which is ridiculous.

The actions of FIU send a chilling message to other students who may want to engage in activism or express unpopular opinions. If students see that their peers are being censored for their views, they may decide that it is safer to remain silent. 

This culture of censorship is toxic to academic growth and diminishes the vibrancy and diversity of campus life. Students must feel free to explore ideas and advocate for causes without fear of institutional backlash.

The suppression of pro-Palestine activism at FIU is not just an isolated incident; it reflects a broader trend of diminishing academic freedom from students around the country being arrested for utilizing their platform or practicing peaceful protests.

There has been an increasing number of cases where universities have clamped down on student protests and censored speech that is deemed controversial or offensive. This trend is alarming and poses a significant threat to the health of academic institutions and the democratic principles they’re supposed to uphold.

It’s essential for the administration at FIU to recognize the gravity of their actions and the impact they have on their student body. They must reverse course and allow pro-Palestine activists to express their views freely. 

By silencing these voices, FIU is failing its students and undermining its mission as an institution of higher learning. 

Students have the right to protest and advocate for what they believe in and universities must protect this right to ensure a robust, dynamic and inclusive academic environment. It’s imperative that FIU reevaluates its stance and commits to fostering a campus where all voices can be heard and respected.


The opinions presented on this page do not represent the views of the PantherNOW Editorial Board. These views are separate from editorials and reflect individual perspectives of contributing writers and/or members of the University community.

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