8 Easy Habits That Will Keep You Productive While Studying Remotely

"School of the Air" courtesy of Queensland State Archives CC PDM 1.0

By Dante Nahai / Staff Writer

If 2020 showed us anything, it is that the world is unpredictable. However, maintaining consistent habits and some easy life hacks to help you with online learning, could be your ticket to a smooth spring term with results that you can count on.

Writing In The Jornal” courtesy of Erin Kolenberg 

  1. Start A Daily Journal 

Writing is one of the best ways to get suppressed emotion out. Though most college students are probably sick of writing due to all the essays and other writing bases assignments, it just isn’t the same as writing a journal. It’s a healthy way to vent and you are being productive by sharpening your skills as a writer. 

Moleskine Planner Hack: 2 Years Later” courtesy of Mike Rhode 

  1. Create A Daily Planner

Since going into quarantine many have lost the track of time. With online learning there is the upside that we no longer rush from class to class or make lengthy commutes from home to school and work now that everything’s online. Be that as it may it is important to keep up and know what you are doing. Nothing beats the sense of fulfillment checking things on your schedule and to-do list off each day one by one. 

“Break Time” courtesy of DonkeyHotey

  1. Take Breaks

Sitting in front of a screen all day can strain your eyes. It’s important to take frequent breaks–hop up and get away from a screen for a few minutes! Grab a coffee or tea to energize yourself. Stretching is also a great way to relieve discomfort from sitting down all day. 

“First team Zoom call under COVID-19” courtesy of Steve Corbato 

  1. Stay In Touch With Friends And Family

With the enforcement of social distance it can be difficult to see loved one. The lack of human interaction could also lead into a feeling of uncertainty as well. But one great way to beat that is to maintain connection with those friends and family. Set up a zoom call or facetime with each other.  

Nepalese Natural Floral Incense Ritual – Blackberry Priv” courtesy of  Russell McNiel 

  1. Meditate 

Mediation might not seem like a big deal but, like writing, it helps clear the mind of stress and worries. It helps a person feel intuned and connected with themselves. Also, meditation helps ease the mind from all anxieties and worried thoughts. It doesn’t have to be such a long stretch of time, even three minutes is plenty.

“Mature and part-time students” courtesy of University of Nottingham

  1. Keep A Connection With Your Professors

Your Professors are also going through the same change of work environment as well. It’s important to keep them updated on how you are, because they do understand how stressful it is to work virtually and maintain other responsibilities. It never hurts to ask for help and your professor can be your greatest ally. 

Study Space” courtesy of Derek Bruff

  1. Change Location

Staying in your room all day when taking classes can become distracting and at times boring. So spread out, maybe find a place outside and attend a class there! The change of environment can be a great way for you to stay focused. 

“24 Hours of FOX News” courtesy of edkohler

  1. Keep The News To A Minimum 

As stressful as the world is right now, the last thing you’d need is to add more stress. Take a break from the news, especially with what’s going on at the moment. Instead of focussing on that turn to your studies since it is one of the few things you can control yourself. 

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