Alexander Sutton, Student Body President 2023 – 2024
Kaily LaChapelle, Senate President 2023 – 2024
Alexander Stone, Housing Senator 2022 – 2025
The student body will be voting on a revised SGA Constitution on Tuesday, April 2. We, as
several members of the Constitutional Convention, would like to draw your attention to this, and
express our sincere belief that the proposed revisions are good for the student body.
The three of us writing this letter have often disagreed on many things. We are different people,
with different values and worldviews and beliefs. But we worked together on the Constitutional
Convention to form a document that works better for the student body.
We debated, we disagreed, and we compromised. None of us think this revised constitution is
perfect. But we all think it is an improvement over the current SGA Constitution, which is solid
but in need of an update.
That update is here, and it will allow your student government work better, so that we can serve
you, the student body, more effectively. We overcame our differences and worked for months
on end to come up with a revision that is best for FIU.
Therefore, we write to the whole student body when we say, we believe it is important for all
students to vote in this referendum, and we hope students bear in mind how beneficial the
proposed revisions will be for everyone.
Voting is on Tuesday, April 2. Voting is open from 8AM to 8PM, and you can vote at