Starbucks sit-in to show solidarity with Palestine
Menah-Alla Ahmed | Contributing Writer Over a dozen students attended a sit-in study session at MANGO Starbucks on Wednesday, Nov. 29 to show their solidarity…
Menah-Alla Ahmed | Contributing Writer Over a dozen students attended a sit-in study session at MANGO Starbucks on Wednesday, Nov. 29 to show their solidarity…
Tim Aylsworth | Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy Whenever I pass through the Green Library, I marvel at the long line of people queuing up to…
By: Joshua Ceballos/News Director FIU dining is receiving a major overhaul in the coming years, as new food vendor Chartwells plans to revamp meal…
Clara Barros/Staff Writer On May 29, Starbucks closed 8,000 of its facilities to conduct a training against racial bias. The four-hour training was a response…
Fabienne Fleurantin/Staff Writer It was an act of desperation. I rested in my bed, my eyes filled with tears due to the agonizing frustration of…
During the last week, Feb. 17 through Feb. 19, students and faculty were polled about where they go for coffee on campus and why.
Julieta Rodrigo// Staff Writer Around this time of the new year, most people have already given up on the goals they’ve set for themselves. Whether…
If Saudi Arabian women can vote and hold office, they can order their own coffees and sit where they please.
Students will have to hold off on purchasing Starbucks coffee on campus until construction in the Glenn Hubert Library is completed mid-semester.
The new M.A.N.G.O building, which brings a Taco Bell, Panda Express and a second Starbucks, opens this September.