Donald Trump Announces Presidential Candidacy for 2016

Sam Smith / Opinion Director


June 16, 2016 Donald Trump announced his presidential candidacy for 2016 elections.

If the fact that Trump wants to run the United States as a business rather than a country when he’s filed for corporate bankruptcy four times didn’t turn you off, his rambling announcement speech should.

Not only were most of Trump’s statements vacant of all meaning, many of them were outright offensive, from flaunting his own wealth, to claiming he was “in competition with” terrorists, to calling undocumented immigrants from Mexico rapists.

With a generation more and more war-weary, Trump’s belligerent attitude toward the Middle East and his sense of entitlement to the oil there is unlikely to result in anything positive.

Trump also told a number of outright lies in his speech, claiming that the country’s GDP was at zero and that the unemployment rate was at 18 to 20 percent. According to the World Bank, the GDP of the US was over $16 trillion, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that our unemployment rate was at 5.5 percent just last month. You can find these numbers with a simple Google search.

As expected from any Republican candidate, Trump called for the repeal of Obamacare. Of course, the irony in this disdain is that Mitt Romney’s plan for healthcare in Maryland was the model for The Affordable Healthcare Act as implemented by our current president.

After he finally cut to the chase, Trump called those on social programs “people with no incentive to work,” and just a few moments later said he would be “the greatest jobs president God ever created.”

This man has no humility, no platform and no place in the White House – and if you don’t believe that, you can read his speech for yourself here.


About the Author

Sam Smith
The Beacon - Editor-in-Chief

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