Students express their thoughts on Trump’s impact on sports

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons

By Steven Melendez/Staff Writer


With Donald Trump being elected president it caused many to voice their concerns with the way the office is being run, including many in the sports world.

Sports have always been a source of entertainment and it continues to be, but as time has gone on the sports world has changed with it. Now-a-days many of these athletes use their platform to speak out and take a stand against social injustice more than ever before.

A big reason for this recent change has been President Donald Trump and the comments he has made about athletes. It has caused a ripple effect that will change sports one way or another and students around campus agree.

“It’s definitely changed sports, but it’s a bit too early to judge whether this will be positive or negative,” said Nathan DeKretser, freshman majoring in international business. “Leagues have taken different actions on how players should be allowed to express their opinions, but it’s still too early.”

Time will certainly reveal whether Trump’s presidency will have a positive or negative impact on sports, but students have already noticed things that wouldn’t be considered good signs.

“I know some Trump supporters, and one of them told me that they wouldn’t support their favorite team because of what he said about players taking a knee,” said Victor Cobos, senior majoring in marketing.

If this trend continues in that direction it will be negative for sports. Divided fan bases on a topic like this can hurt attendance and TV ratings for games. Many believe this is just the beginning and that Trumps actions will instill confidence in his supporters to do the same.

“This relates with what the Houston Texans owner said when he called his players inmates,” said Steven Woodberry, sophomore majoring in information technology. “You can definitely see athletes coming together and showing unity, and all this attention brings the bigger issues to light.”

Donald Trump has certainly changed things with his actions as of late with no sign of slowing down, and it is causing more and more diversion within the sports world. Athletes won’t stop speaking out and trying to make a difference, and that is exactly what is needed in order to make a real effect in the world.

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